Re: Is this class exception safe
digz wrote:
Hi ,
I am trying to write a class that encapsulates a Union within it , I
intend the code to be exception safe.
can someone please review it and tell me if I have done the right
thing , are there any obvious memory leaks or bad design , inability
to cover most likely failure paths etc..?.
Thanks in advance
enum datatype { INVALID=-1, INTEGER=1, STRING, DOUBLE };
struct cacheSType
union cacheUType
int i_;
double d_;
char* cptr_;
cacheUType(int i):i_(i){}
cacheUType(double d):d_(d){}
cacheUType(char* c):cptr_(c){}
typedef cacheUType unionType;
Is there a reason to use a typedef instead of just saying
union unionType {...
datatype _data_t;
unionType _cache_t;
cacheSType(int i): _data_t(INTEGER), _cache_t(i){}
cacheSType(double d): _data_t(DOUBLE), _cache_t(d){}
cacheSType(const char* c ): _data_t(STRING){
try {
_cache_t.cptr_ = new char[strlen(c) + 1 ];
strcpy(_cache_t.cptr_, c);
catch( const std::bad_alloc &oom ){
cerr << oom.what() << endl;
catch(...) {
I am not sure whether catch(...){throw;} does anything. It seems to just
rethrow an exception that otherwise would have propagates up the stack
cacheSType( const cacheSType& rhs) {
try {
if ( rhs._data_t == STRING ) {
_cache_t.cptr_ = new
char[strlen(rhs._cache_t.cptr_) + 1];
strcpy(_cache_t.cptr_, rhs._cache_t.cptr_);
else {
_cache_t = rhs._cache_t;
_data_t = rhs._data_t;
catch( const std::bad_alloc &oom) {
cerr << oom.what() << endl;
catch(...) {
cacheSType& operator=(const cacheSType& rhs) {
if ( &rhs != this ) {
if ( rhs._data_t != STRING ) {
if ( _data_t == STRING)
delete [] _cache_t.cptr_;
_cache_t = rhs._cache_t;
if ( _data_t == STRING )
delete [] _cache_t.cptr_;
try {
_cache_t.cptr_= new
char[strlen(rhs._cache_t.cptr_) + 1];
catch( const std::bad_alloc &oom) {
cout << oom.what() << endl;
catch(...) {
If the above throws, you have already deleted the current string. The object
is then in an inconsistent state since the _cache_t says it's a string, but
the string-field points to deallocated memory. In that sense, the
assignment operator is not exception safe.
Also, the logic of the assignment operator is hard to follow (after all,
there are 9 possible combinations of _data_t and rhs._data_t to consider).
For clarity and exception safety, you should consider using the copy-swap
strcpy( _cache_t.cptr_, rhs._cache_t.cptr_);
_data_t = rhs._data_t;
return *this;
operator int () {
if ( _data_t == INTEGER )
return _cache_t.i_;
throw std::bad_cast(); //cannot return anything sensible
if not int
operator double () {
if ( _data_t == DOUBLE )
return _cache_t.d_;
throw std::bad_cast();
operator const char* () {
if ( _data_t == STRING )
return _cache_t.cptr_;
throw std::bad_cast();
if ( _data_t == STRING )
delete [] _cache_t.cptr_;
Kai-Uwe Bux