Re: Exception handling?

Sana <>
Fri, 20 Feb 2009 12:56:59 -0800 (PST)
On Feb 20, 2:33 pm, "mlt" <> wrote:

In the constructor of a class I run various test to check that the input
data is valid, else I throw an exception:

My Test(
          int const k
        , int const h
        , U const & u
        , U const & v
        , P const & c

    int controlnum = c.size() * c[0].size();
    int basisnum = (u() - k) * (v.size() - h);

        if(k<= 0 || h<=0)
          throw std::invalid_argument("k h must be greater than=


        if(uknots.size() <= 0)
          throw std::invalid_argument("u was empty");

        if(vknots.size() <= 0)
          throw std::invalid_argument("v was empty");

        if(controls.size() <= 0)
          throw std::invalid_argument("c was empty");

The first thing that needs to be done is to catch the exceptions so the
error messages gets printed to the user. But how do I make sure the right
message is printed, do I make some sort of exception switch?

catch std::exception

    MyTest test(/* parameters here */);

    // stuff to do
catch (std::exception e)
    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;


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