Re: place stl container object on shared memory

dbtouch <>
Tue, 24 Feb 2009 14:20:48 -0800 (PST)
Hi, Jeff

Thanks for the advice. I modify my code where I "delete" pStr to pStr-

~String() and my test program is good. I compiled your sample code in

SunOS 5.10 and got this error:

"shm.h", line 62: Error: Formal argument 1 of type char* in call to
shmdt(char*) is being passed void*.
"shm.h", line 85: Where: While instantiating "static
dbtouch::shared_memory<420, 1048576>::detach(void*)".
"shm.h", line 85: Where: Instantiated from non-template code.

It is
static void detach(void_pointer memory) {
              check_posix(shmdt(memory), "shmdt");
which has problem. Please take a look.


On Feb 24, 4:09 pm, Jeff Schwab <> wrote:

dbtouch wrote:

I am trying to place an STL container object on shared memory
  String* pStr=new(ptr)String(); // segment fault!!!

No, that's not where the segv is occurring.

  if (pStr) {
    delete pStr;

This is. Delete doesn't just call the destructor, it also tries to fre=


the memory. That's not what you want here. You just want to call th=




    printf("test is good\n");

You seem to be new to C++, and have carried a lot of C with you. I'm
posting a modern C++ version of your code here, in the hope that it will
help you find "the C++ way." Good luck.

/* POSIX */
extern "C" {
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>


/* C++ Standard */
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>

/* Dbtouch library code. */

namespace dbtouch {

     typedef void* void_pointer;

     template<std::size_t Size>
     void check_posix(long i, char const (&command_name)[Size]) {
         if (i == -1L) {
             throw std::runtime_error(
                     std::string( command_name ) +
                     std::strerror(errno) );

     template<int Mode, std::size_t Size>
     class shared_memory
         typedef void const* void_const_pointer;
         typedef shmid_ds* shmid_ds_pointer;

         static int create() {
             int const shmid =
                 shmget(IPC_PRIVATE , Size , Mode | IPC=


             check_posix(shmid, "shmget");
             return shmid;

         static void_pointer attach(int shmid) {
             void_pointer const memory =
                     shmat(shmid, void_const_pointe=

r( ), Mode);

             check_posix(reinterpret_cast<long>(memory), "s=


             return memory;

         static void detach(void_pointer memory) {
             check_posix(shmdt(memory), "shmdt");

         static void destroy(int shmid) {
                     shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, shmid_=

ds_pointer( ))

                     , "shmctl");

         int m_shmid;
         void_pointer m_memory;


         shared_memory( )
           : m_shmid( create() )
           , m_memory( attach(m_shmid) ) { }

         ~shared_memory() {

         void_pointer get() {
             return m_memory;


/* Test of dbtouch library. */

/* Configuration. */
namespace {
     typedef std::string object;
     int const mode = 0644;
     std::size_t const size = 1024 * 1024;


void unchecked_main() {
     dbtouch::shared_memory<mode, size> buffer;
     if (object* const p = new(buffer.get()) object) {
         std::cout << "test is good\n";


int main() try {
     return EXIT_SUCCESS;} catch (std::exception const& x) {

     std::cerr << "std::exception: " << x.what() << '\n';
     return EXIT_FAILURE;

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