AtlThrow inside a COM method implementation

"Giovanni Dicanio" <>
Mon, 12 Oct 2009 10:36:05 +0200
Considering code something like this (the implementation of some COM
interface method using ATL):


HRESULT CSomeClass::DoSomething( /*[in,out]*/ long* count,
                      /*[out]*/ SAFEARRAY** result)
    if (count == NULL || result == NULL)
        return E_POINTER;

    CComSafeArrayBound bounds[2] =

    CComSafeArray<VARIANT> data(bounds, _countof(bounds));

    *result = data.Detach();
    return S_OK;


I think (but I'm not sure) that there is a problem in the use of
CComSafeArray constructor above.
In fact, if some error occurrs during constructor, what does happen?
Spelunking in CComSafeArray constructor overload code, I read in


    // create SAFEARRAY where number of elements = ulCount
    explicit CComSafeArray(ULONG ulCount, LONG lLBound = 0) : m_psa(NULL)
        CComSafeArrayBound bound(ulCount, lLBound);
        HRESULT hRes = Create(&bound);
        if (FAILED(hRes))


So, in case of errors, AtlThrow() is called.
Reading the documentation, if my understanding is correct, AtlThrow throws a
CAtlException in ATL projects.

So, should the original code posted above be modified, wrapping the
CComSafeArray constructor call in a try/catch( CAtlException & ) block?


   HRESULT hr = S_OK;
     ... <above code> ...
   catch (CAtlException & e)
      hr = (HRESULT)e;

   return hr;


Or does ATL have some C++ template "magic" to automatically return an
HRESULT value when AtlThrow is called?

Thanks in advance,


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