Re: Templated Casting operators

Narinder <>
Sat, 9 Jul 2011 21:39:44 -0700 (PDT)
On Jul 10, 12:15 am, Kai-Uwe Bux <> wrote:

Narinder wrote:

On Jul 9, 12:34 pm, Kai-Uwe Bux <> wrote:

Narinder wrote:

On Jul 8, 11:06 pm, Kai-Uwe Bux <> wrote:
At the moment, I don't see why.

That is indeed curious.
However on my issue, I think I am expecting something from C++ .. wh=


I obviously should know better, "C++ (101): C++ doesn't dispatch =


the return type".

That, I think, is not the entire picture. There is clause [] t=


deals with deducing template arguments for templated conversion
operators. Here, the result type desired by the conversion is taken in=


account. Howerver, reading that clause, I find it hard to tell whether
the deduction should fail because of ambiguity, whether the const vers=


should be instantiated, or whether the non-const version should be

My question stems from wanting to pass parameters to a function via =


intermediary which holds references to the values to be passed. And
this would be done at runtime.

Given :

void f( double x);

I want to be able to do:

const double x=3.142;
intermediary v = x; // so v will hold a
std::tr1::reference_wrapper<const double>
f(v); // I suspect gcc will complain bec=

ause v is unable

to give up its const ref
// but as we have seen gcc calls operator

Hm, the following compiles:

#include <iostream>

void foo ( double arg ) {
std::cout << arg << "\n";


template < typename T >
class reference_wrapper {

T* the_ptr;


typedef T type;
typedef T& reference;

reference_wrapper ( reference t_ref )
: the_ptr ( &t_ref )

operator reference ( void ) {
return ( *the_ptr );

reference get ( void ) {
return ( *the_ptr );


int main ( void ) {
double const pi = 3.14159;
reference_wrapper< double const > x = pi;
foo( x );


My way around this will be to have the user provide a precise boost
typelist embodying the function signature:


and use this to dispatch correctly.



Kai-Uwe Bux

Consider the following functions:

f_ref(double&) // may be a member function t=

hat keeps the

rw ref
f_const_ref(const double&) // maybe a memeber function that keeps th=


ro ref
f_val(double) // expects the value byval

you have one 'variant'

variant v = 3.142;

double x=3.142;
variant v2 = x;

const double xx=3.142
variant v3 = 3.142

I want to deliver (since it doesn't have to be done by casting) v2 to
f_ref, but not v & v3
I want to deliver v2 & v3 to f_const_ref but not v
and i want to be able to deliver all of them to f_val

Moreover my variants will be initialised at runtime.

I have sketched (but compiles and executes ) what I think is a
(I have used boost::mpl::vector to be able to generalise to more than
one parameter)


using namespace std;

double pi = 3.142;
typedef boost::reference_wrapper<double> ref;
typedef boost::reference_wrapper<const double> const_ref;

struct klass
    klass(double & x):innerVariant(boost::ref(x)){}
    klass(const double & x):innerVariant(boost::cref(x)){}

    template<class T>
    operator T& ()
        cout << " ... casting to double& ";
        return boost::get<ref>(innerVariant);

    template<class T>
    operator const T&()
        cout << " ... casting to const double& ";
            return boost::get<ref>(innerVariant);
        return boost::get<const_ref>(innerVariant);


    const double &get_by_val()
        return (const double&)(*this);

    boost::variant<ref,const_ref > innerVariant;

template<class T,class U>
struct innerCast
    static const T & get(U &k)
        return k.get_by_val();

template<class T,class U>
struct innerCast<T&,U>
    static T & get(U &k)
        return k;

template<class T,class U>
struct innerCast<const T&,U>
    static const T & get(U &k)
        return k;

template<class T>
struct cast
    typedef typename boost::mpl::at_c<typename T::param_type,0>::ty=



    static ret_type get(klass &k)
        return innerCast<ret_type,klass>::get(k);


// Below is what would be the user code

struct f
    typedef boost::mpl::vector<double&>::type param_type;
    static void call(double &x)
        cout << " double &x\n";

struct fc
    typedef boost::mpl::vector<const double&> param_type;
    static void call(const double &x)
        cout << " const double &x\n";

struct ft
    typedef boost::mpl::vector<double> param_type;
    static void call(double x)
        cout << " double\n";


int main()


        double x(3.142);

        klass k_non_const(x);
        klass k_const(3.142);

        f::call( cast<f>::get(k_non_const) );
        fc::call( cast<fc>::get(k_non_const));
        ft::call( cast<ft>::get(k_non_const));

        fc::call( cast<fc>::get(k_const));
        ft::call( cast<ft>::get(k_const)); // this one *NO LONG=


throws with gcc
    catch(const std::exception &err)
        cout << err.what() << "\n";



Maybe some of the class names have alot of scope to be more
meaningful :-)

Here is an alternative idea (hopefully, I understood your aim):

#include <iostream>

struct oops {};

template < typename T >
class const_reference {

  T const * ptr;


  const_reference ( T const & r )
    : ptr ( &r )

  T const & get ( void ) {
    return ( *ptr );

  operator T const & ( void ) {
    return ( *ptr );


template < typename T >
class reference {

  T * ptr;


  reference ( T & r )
    : ptr ( &r )

  T & get ( void ) {
    return ( *ptr );

  operator T & ( void ) {
    return ( *ptr );


template < typename T >
class wrapper {

  T * the_ptr;
  T const * the_c_ptr;


  wrapper ( T & ref )
    : the_ptr ( &ref )
    , the_c_ptr ()

  wrapper ( T const & cref )
    : the_ptr ()
    , the_c_ptr ( &cref )

  operator reference<T> ( void ) {
    std::cout << "non-const\n";
    if ( the_ptr ) {
      return ( *the_ptr );
    throw ( oops() );

  operator const_reference<T> ( void ) {
    std::cout << "const\n";
    if ( the_ptr ) {
      return ( *the_ptr );
    return ( *the_c_ptr );

  operator T ( void ) {
    if ( the_ptr ) {
      return ( *the_ptr );
    return ( *the_c_ptr );


double const pi = 3.14159;
double e = 2.71828;

typedef wrapper< double > klass;

void foo_ref ( reference<double> ) {
  std::cout << "reference\n";


void foo_cref ( const_reference<double> ) {
  std::cout << "const reference\n";


void foo_val ( double ) {
  std::cout << "value\n";


int main ( void ) {
  klass rw ( e );
  klass ro ( pi );
  foo_val( rw );
  foo_cref( rw );
  foo_ref( rw );
  foo_val( ro );
  foo_cref( ro );
  foo_ref( ro );



Kai-Uwe Bux

In my case the functions foo_ref, foo_cref, foo_val will be given (by
the client) and may ( and most probably will) be compiled without any
knowledge of the types reference and const_reference. So I would need
it to work with :

void foo_ref ( double & ) {
  std::cout << "reference\n";

void foo_cref ( const double & ) {
  std::cout << "const reference\n";

void foo_val ( double ) {
  std::cout << "value\n";

(In fact to be even more precise, in my real scenario they will be
class constructors.)
When I compile your code with above modifications I get the
compilation error:

main/main.cpp: In function 'int main()':
main/main.cpp:93:15: error: invalid initialization of reference of
type 'double&
' from expression of type 'klass'
main/main.cpp:72:6: error: in passing argument 1 of 'void
main/main.cpp:96:15: error: invalid initialization of reference of
type 'double&
' from expression of type 'klass'
main/main.cpp:72:6: error: in passing argument 1 of 'void


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