ofstream Error: Failed to write file: Result is too large.

sharat <aaliya.zarrin@gmail.com>
Mon, 16 Apr 2012 04:10:17 -0700 (PDT)
Hi ,

I facing problem while writing into file..
For my problem, File path withh be available after some time. So to
avoide "File does not exist " error I am sleeping in a loop for some
time ana again try to open a file. If file open successfully I will
write into file else through an exception.

If flow enters into while loop , and got the file after Sleep for few
seconds then problem is comeing ..
Failed to write to File: Result is too large"
where as if it does not go into while loop then it is able to create
file and write into it...
I am unable to find the reason. Can anybody help please???

Sample code :
int retryLoopCount = 0;
ofstream myfile;

    myfile.open ((const char*)filePath);
    while(! (myfile.is_open()))

        Sleep( (retryLoopCount*2+1)*1000);

        if(retryLoopCount++ > RETRY_COUNT)
                int erCode = errno;
                err.Format ("Failed to open file '%s' for writing: %s"
                , (const char*)filePath
                , strerror(erCode)
                throw Exception ------ (// throw Exception -- - I have not copied
the exact sample code here)
        myfile.open ((const char*)filePath);

    }// while retry.

myfile<< (const char*)content;

    if (myfile.bad() ) {

        int erCode = errno;
        err.Format ("Failed to write file '%s': %s"
            , (const char*)filePath
            , strerror(erCode)
        throw Exception ----- (// throw Exception here -- I have not copied
the exact sample code here )


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