Re: Techniques to avoid minimal scope inefficiency with complex objects in loops in C++?

Wed, 6 Jun 2012 19:05:08 -0700 (PDT)
On Wednesday, June 6, 2012 8:07:00 PM UTC-4, Martin B. wrote:

On 06.06.2012 02:32, Ike Naar wrote:

Have you measured both variants? Which one was more efficient?

[D] is more efficient. It will re-use the buffer from string s a number
of times (except for the pathological case where the string lengths
increase strictly in steps larger than the allocation granularity of
[C] will - must - delete the buffer of the s object each loop step and
do a fresh allocation.


I use static locals in some places to help with this:

cmwAmbassador::mediateResponse (transactions_t::iterator itr)
  bool safe_sending = true;
  try {
    localsendbuf.sock_ = itr->sock;
    bool reqResult;
    remoteMessages.Receive(cmwBuf, reqResult);

    if (reqResult) {
      static ::std::vector<File> outputFiles;
      remoteMessages.Receive(cmwBuf, outputFiles);

      save_lastruntime(itr->filename, itr->time_in_seconds);
      safe_sending = false;
      localMessages.Marshal(localsendbuf, true);
    } else {
      static ::std::string errorMsg;
      remoteMessages.Receive(cmwBuf, errorMsg);
      safe_sending = false;
      localMessages.Marshal(localsendbuf, false, errorMsg);
  } catch(::std::exception const& ex) {
    syslog(LOG_ERR, "mediateResponse: %s", ex.what());
    if (safe_sending) {
      localMessages.Marshal(localsendbuf, false, ex.what());

(That function is part of this file --
and that file is part of this archive --

That keeps the scope small and avoids the heap.
Usually someone will point out that statics don't
play well with multithreading. The cmwAmbassador is
currently single-threaded. G-d willing, in the
future we'll make it multi-threaded. The design of
the multi-threaded version of the program will be
such that a specific thread is responsible for calling
mediateResponse. So the statics will pose no more
problem then than they do today.

Brian Wood
Ebenezer Enterprises

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