Re: dynamic_cast undefined behavior

Edward Diener <eldiener@tropicsoft.invalid>
Sat, 20 Jul 2013 00:23:13 -0700 (PDT)
On 7/19/2013 8:02 PM, wrote:

Hi C++ experts,

Is it ever safe to dereference a NULL pointer? Specifically,
I'm curious about dereferencing NULL during dynamic_cast.

Contrived example code:
// includes omitted

class BaseFoo
     virtual ~BaseFoo() {}

class Foo : public BaseFoo {};

void process(int& i) { ... }

void process(Foo& foo) { ... }

BaseFoo* getFoo() { ... }

I assume you meant:

BaseFoo* getFoo() { return 0; }

int main()
   int *i = NULL;
   void process(*i); // (1)

That's not safe. You will probably get an OS exception at run-time for
trying to read memory at 0.

     process(dynamic_cast<Foo&>(*getFoo())); // (2)

That's not safe also. Ditto with the above.

   catch (const std::exception&)
     // ignore bad_cast exception

   return 0;

(1) - This is always undefined behavior, right?
(2) - Does this dynamic_cast produce undefined behavior if
       getFoo() returns a NULL pointer?

If it matters, I'm not using C++11.

Neither are safe and both invoke undefined behavior. C++ doesn't tell
the OS what to do but an operating system exception for accessing memory
at 0 normally occurs in my experience.

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