Re: exception question

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Wed, 28 Jun 2006 14:09:35 -0400
<e7ugl1$tuc$> wrote:

Below is a simple code about exception.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct E {
 const char* message;
 E(const char* arg) : message(arg) { }

void my_terminate() {
 cout << "Call to my_terminate" << endl;

struct A {
 A() { cout << "In constructor of A" << endl; }
 ~A() {
 cout << "In destructor of A" << endl;
 throw E("Exception thrown in ~A()");

struct B {
 B() { cout << "In constructor of B" << endl; }
 ~B() { cout << "In destructor of B" << endl; }

int main() {

 try {
   cout << "In try block" << endl;
   A a;
   B b;
   cout << "Leave try block" << endl;
  throw("Exception thrown in try block of main()"); //LINE1
 catch (const char* e) { //LINE2
   cout << "Exception: " << e << endl; //LINE3
 catch (...) {
   cout << "Some exception caught in main()" << endl;

 cout << "Resume execution of main()" << endl;

The output of the code is below:
In try block
In constructor of A
In constructor of B
Leave try block
In destructor of B
In destructor of A
Call to my_terminate

My question is when LINE1 throws an exception, the exception is caught
by LINE2, right?

No. You're throwing an exception while stack is unwinding. That causes
the 'terminate' to be called.

Why LINE3 does not output anything?

Because the control never gets there.

The last line of the output is "Abort". Why is it from? Does the
function my_terminate() output the "Abort"?

Not sure, but I think after the terminate handler 'abort' is called
regardless. In your implementation, 'abort' outputs "Abort", most

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