Re: regarding "perils of java schools"

"kanze" <>
26 Sep 2006 06:39:47 -0400
Jiang wrote:


OK, here is my book list and reading path.

        language design

     Accelerated C++


     C++ Primer(*)

     The C++ Standard Library Effective C++
     - A Tutorial and Reference


                The Design and Evolution of C++(*)

     C++ Templates(*) Exceptional C++(*)

     Inside C++ Object Model Design Pattern (GoF)

     Imperfect C++ Modern C++ Design

     2003 Standard/draft (*)

Books/Document with (*) mark are optional, but strongly

If you're doing anything with templates, I'd say that "C++
Templates" is in no way optional, but one of the most essential
books in the list.

For the rest, I think that most of the design books you list
treat low level design. High level design is also important,
but I'm not sure what to recommend. I liked Robert Martin's
approach, where you learned to write applications, rather than
just C++, but the book is really far to dated to use today, not
just because of the changes in C++, but also in design. (He uses
Booch, instead of UML, for example.) Barton and Nackman is also
irreplaceable---although quite dated, I think that much of it is
still applicable.

James Kanze GABI Software
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