Re: Providing diagnostic information upon successful completion

"Andrei Polushin" <>
7 Nov 2006 18:53:23 -0500
Nicola Musatti wrote:

I'm looking for advice on how to provide diagnostic information related
to a function call that executed successfully.
I see a few alternatives:

1) Throw a "warning" exception, which may contain the function's
   return value when one is expected;

2) Return a special object which combines the return value with
   optional diag info,

the decision to use such a strategic approach is best left
to the users of my library.

Consider the iostreams way:

     void f()
         string line;

         getline(cin, line);
         if (!cin) {
             cout << "input failed - returning";

         try {
             getline(cin, line);
         } catch (exception &e) {
             cout << "input failed - rethrowing";

User may choose a level and/or conditions at which to throw.

Andrei Polushin

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