Re: try and catch
* Gary Wessle:
I am using exceptions in my code and not sure how things are suppose
to work in my case.
while (1){
// call some methods here and use their side effect and returns.
catch ( catch'm )
// something wicked happened.
Is this ok?
Well, it's a well-known pattern, but at the lowest possible level of
Note: if you don't use a counter or other loop variant, you risk an
infinite loop.
Also, to avoid silly-warnings from some compilers, better write
'for(;;)' than 'while(1)', even if the latter is an old C idiom.
I mean, I keep on trying to do the task and break once it is done or
handle the error and get back to the same task again in case a throw
Yeah, OK.
But if you have that low-level pattern occurring more than one place in
your code, consider abstracting it using the template pattern (nothing
to do with templates), like
const unsigned untilDoomsday = unsigned(-1);
struct Retry
bool operator( unsigned maxTries ) const
while( maxTries > 0 )
return true;
catch( std::exception const& x )
onException( x );
if( maxTries != untilDoomsday ) { --maxTries; }
return false;
virtual void doIt() const = 0;
virtual void onException( std::exception const& x ) const {}
const bool succeeded = RetryDangerousThing()( untilDoomsday );
IIRC this was John Harrison's idea (not his code though, the above is
just scribbled down, guaranteed untouched by compiler's hands).
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is it such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
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