Re: The C++ article in April issue of DDJ

Greg Herlihy <>
Mon, 19 Mar 2007 17:10:02 CST
On 3/19/07 12:24 PM, in article, "Andrei Iltchenko"
<> wrote:

It has been a while since I last posted to this newsgroup, but the
recent article in DDJ by Gigi Sayfan entitled "Practical C++ Error
Handling in Hybrid Environments" (available at
left me no choice but to react.

What caught my attention is the "cunning" StreamingException class and
some of the author's comments about its design that are plainly
inaccurate. Here's the class

class StreamingException : public std::runtime_error
  StreamingException() :
        (new std::stringstream()))

  ~StreamingException() throw()

  template <typename T>
  StreamingException & operator << (const T & t)
    (*ss_) << t;
    return *this;

  virtual const char * what() const throw()
    s_ = ss_->str();
    return s_.c_str();

  mutable std::auto_ptr<std::stringstream> ss_;
  mutable std::string s_;

Here are the comments that are inaccurate:

"The destructor is quite empty, but it can't be dropped. The compiler
will indeed generate a default destructor for you, but the default
destructor doesn't come with an empty throw() exception specification.
This is required because std::runtime_error defines such a virtual
destructor. Exception specifications are an annoying misfeature of C++
that specifies what exceptions a method may throw and are part of the
method signature. Thankfully, they are optional so you don't see them
a lot in the wild. "

This comment is specious as there is no point in overriding the
destructor for the purpose of obtaining an exception specification
that doesn't allow exceptions. This is because:

1. The destructor in std::exception is defined as follows (See Section
virtual ~exception() throw();

2. std::runtime_error publicly inherits from std::exception and relies
on the compiler to implicitly declare the destructor.

3. The language is clear that an implicitly-declared destructor "shall
allow no exceptions if every function it directly invokes allows no
exceptions" (See 15.4/11-13)

The example in ?15.4/13 paraphrases the relevant requirement: "a function
that overrides a virtual function from a base class shall have an
exception-specification at least as restrictive as that in the base class."

In this case the base class, std::runtime_error's, has a destructor with the
most restrictive exception specification possible (a throw() clause
indicating that it throws no exceptions of any type). Therefore
StreamingException's destructor - in order to have an exception
specification at least as restrictive as the destructor of its base class
that it overrides - must also also be declared with a throw() specification.

The second inaccurate comment concerns the mutability of the 'ss_'
data mameber. Here it goes:

"Okay, so why mutable? Well, the caught exception is a const reference
because the catching code is not supposed to modify the internal state
of the exception. However, auto_ptr with its ownership transfer
semantics does require a change of state. The mutable modifier was
invented exactly for this purpose-being able to modify the internal
state of an object while preserving its conceptual constness."

According to the rules of the language the 'const StreamingException&'
reference in the catch clause is to be either bound directly to the
exception object or to a const temporary object (See 8.5.3/5). In the
first case the data member's constness is not a concern at all as
nothing is copied. In the second (when the temporary object needs to
be created) it is not a concern either because const semantics are of
no meaning when an object is being constructed. To quote from the C++
standard (See 12.1/4):
const and volatile semantics are not applied on an object under
construction. Such semantics only come into effect once the
constructor for the most derived object ends.

The mutable keyword is needed - not for the object under construction - but
the object being copied. The problem is that a member-wise copy of a const
StreamingException object would require copying its const members. But
std::auto_ptr has only a non-const copy constructor - in other words a const
auto_ptr object may not be copied. Therefore in order for the non-const
auto_ptr copy constructor to be called while copying a const
StreamingException object of which it is a member, the auto_ptr member must
be declared mutable. (Note that in the current draft Standard, the
implementation no longer has the option to make a copy of the object in this
situation. But according to the 2003 C++ Standard, the choice is
implementation-defined. For those implementations which make a copy of
StreamingException, it ss_ auto_ptr member has to be declared mutable.)

I find it quite sad that a magazine that used to be renowned for the
quality of its articles, didn't put enough effort to catch such
blatant omissions during the article's editing.

A reputation for quality and accuracy are all the more reason to reserve
judgement before deciding (and announcing) that the apparent "blatant"
errors in this article are so obvious, or whether (after further research)
they may turn out not to be errors at all.


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