Re: ActiveX events not firing in WTL app

"Igor Tandetnik" <>
Wed, 18 Apr 2007 10:47:51 -0400
NickP <> wrote:

   I have an ActiveX control situated on a dialog in a WTL
application. I used the wizard in order to create the necessary
event code and a SYNC_MAP has been created, with the appropriate
callback methods. Everything compiles and runs fine but none of the
events are fired.
   For example, the control displays pages of a document and an event
is raised when a page is changed...


   SINK_ENTRY(IDC_VSPDFVIEWER, 201, OnPageChangeVspdfviewer)

void __stdcall OnPageChangeVspdfviewer();

Show the declaration of CDocumentView. Is it derived from
IDispEventImpl? What parameters are passed to IDispEventImpl?

Try replacing SINK_ENTRY with SINK_ENTRY_EX, explicitly listing the DIID
of the source interface. SINK_ENTRY tries to automatically detect the
control's default source interface. Many controls don't support such
With best wishes,
    Igor Tandetnik

With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to
land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly
overhead. -- RFC 1925

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