Re: Exception Safe Guard

Barry <>
Tue, 04 Sep 2007 23:15:14 +0800
Michael DOUBEZ wrote:

Barry a ??crit :

After reading Andrei Alexandrescu and Petru Marginean's
"Generic: Change the Way You Write Exception-Safe Code ?? Forever"

I borrow Boost.Function, which makes the implementation much simpler.
[snip: good to me]

void MayThrow() throw(int)

srand(time(NULL)) is fine provided you don't have more than one call per

I thought in C++, always write 0 as null pointer.
here writing NULL is because /srand/ is C function?

second. Otherwise, all call will yield the same result.
Nothing to do with exception safety though.

/MayThrow/ here is just a `Mock object' to produce exception randomly.

    if (int r = rand() % 2)
        throw r;

int main()
    Obj obj;
    Guard guard(bind(&Obj::Rollback, obj));

    // do the stuffs, which may throw

catch (int i)
    cout << "Exception: i = " << i << endl;
catch (...)
    cout << "Unknown Exception" << endl;

Avoid the catch all in main() unless you can handle it. You will not
know which exception you don't know about has been thrown.

so I should've written

int main()
        Obj obj;
        Guard guard(bind(&Obj::Rollback, obj));

        // do the stuffs, which may throw

    catch (int i)
        cout << "Exception: i = " << i << endl;

as MayThrow throws /int/ only

If you really want to, you can catch std::exception in order to catch
bad_alloc or other derived exception:
 catch (exception& e)
    cout << "Standard exception" << e.what() << endl;


A scheme that can be used to extend your system is based on the Memento
GoF pattern. It would consist in making functions performing changes
return a memento structure (a boost::function0 in your case) and append
it to a stack of changes performed. Upon destruction without commit, you
pop the mementos and apply them.

Well, this code is only a demo to the article that I referred to at the
beginning of my post. Anyway I will study the pattern you mention here.

Thanks a lot.


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