Re: c++-Exception-Handling when using the jpeglib

David Abrahams <>
Mon, 15 Oct 2007 14:12:43 CST
on Wed Sep 26 2007, "Eugene Gershnik" <> wrote:

Edward Rosten wrote:

On Sep 24, 7:50 pm, Pete Becker <> wrote:

I have no qualms about throwing exceptions through C code. I'd be
more worried about using longjmp in C++ code -- whatever it does is
portable, but if the compiler documents what it does and that's what
you need, then it should work just fine.

Except that it doesn't work: in my personal experience, I couldn't
catch exceptions which passed through C code (libjpeg, as it happens).

It depends on your compiler and platform. The VC way of dealing with
exceptions, much bashed here for its inefficiency, will propagate them
through any language.

Yeah, but probably not correctly. It's very rare that C code is
actually written to deal with exception unwinding. When it isn't, an
exception may be able to pass through it "cleanly," but all the stuff
that in C++ would be executed from dtors and catch blocks gets
skipped. You may be OK at that point, or your 'C' code may have left
your program's invariant's violated; it's hard to be sure. The only
safe and portable thing to do at the C/C++ boundary is catch all
exceptions and translate them into whatever error reporting system is
used by the C code.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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