Re: Bjarne's comments about exception specification

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Sun, 20 Jan 2008 11:39:46 GMT
On 2008-01-20 11:26, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* George2:

Hello everyone,

How do you understand the Bjarne's comments about exception
specification? Especially, "not required to be checked across
compilation-unit" and "violations will not be caught at run time"?

section 14.6.1 Checking Exception Specifications

Importantly, exception-specifications are not required to be checked
exactly across compilation-unit boundaries. Naturally, an
implementation could check. However, for many large and long-lived
systems, it is important that the implementation does not -- or, if it
does, than it carefully gives hard errors only where violations will
not be caught at run time.

I wonder where you found that and how old it is.

If it refers to C++ then it's incorrect per the current standard (1998),
and was also incorrect with respect to the 1991 ARM.

It is in the 3rd ed. of TC++PL, but it is taken out of context. I think
he is referring to whether the compiler will give any warnings/errors at
compile-time (though I can not find any mentioning of this in the standard).

Section 14.6.1 starts by talking about checking of exception-
specifications at compile-time and the paragraph after the quoted one
says that the point is that you should not have to go through all your
code and update your exception-specifications just because you make some
change that allows more exceptions to be thrown.

Erik Wikstr?m

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