Re: Exception Handling Question and Unwinding stack

=?UTF-8?B?RXJpayBXaWtzdHLDtm0=?= <>
Mon, 11 Feb 2008 18:33:24 GMT
On 2008-02-11 19:12, DanielJohnson wrote:

I have a little confusion with this kind of situation.

Suppose there are two functions, Function First allocates a memory and
then call Function Second..... But in Function Second Exception
occurs!!! How can we notify Function First about this in order to
deallocate the memory allocated by First ?

I found something from Stroutup's web page, saying that it can't be
done ?

I was thinking that if we can catch this exception in the second
function then either 1) rethrow so that the first function can catch
it then deallocate appropriately 2) Catch and return an error value
The second is that a function doesn't have to catch it at all. The
exception would automatically be rethrow to the first function.

You are misinterpreting the link. There are three ways to notify First
that an exception occurred: 1) you can just let the exception propagate
and catch it in First, 2) you can catch the exception in Second and
throw a new/rethrow, or 3) you can catch in Second and return with some
error code.

What the link says is that you can not in either First or Second perform
some kind of error recovery and then re-run the code that threw the
exception (though you can of course call Second again from First,
perhaps in a loop)

Erik Wikstr??m

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