Re: Good C++ book

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Fri, 14 Mar 2008 12:02:26 -0400
PAolo wrote:

I am a good C programmer, and I am able to use C++ at a "not expert"
leve. I am lloking for a good C++ book that can teach me all the
aspect of the language, possibly explaining more complex object
scenarios (multiple inheritance, abstract class and virtul methods,
templates, etc) in a "theoretical" way too. I need a good section on
STL too (well not a cut and past of the reference... :P ).

I looked around on this group and searched on book selling sites. I
didn't find much that matches my needings.

Can anyone provide me some good suggestions?

AFAIK, no such single book exists. Get yourself a copy of TC++PL
Special Edition, a copy of the "Effective" series by Meyers, a copy
of "C++ Templates" by Vandevoorde and Josuttis, a copy of "The C++
Standard Library" by Josuttis, a copy of "Modern C++ Design",
a copy of "Multi-Paradigm Design for C++" by Coplien, a copy of
each "Exceptional" book by Sutter, his "C++ Coding Standards"...

Now, I've just named you books from my shelf (and not all C++ books
I have, mind you). Just those will drain your book budget for the
next couple of years and will probably take you a few years to read
through. Which just suggests that you really can't do it in one
swoop or one shot.

Good luck!

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