Re: A chained exception (base) class for C++
On 2008-04-30 18:43, Martin T. wrote:
Hi all,
I'm currently trying to come up with a decent exception base class for
some modules of ours and was thinking about adding exception-chaining
(yes, like in Java :-)
The following points where important for me:
* Must inherit from std::exception
* Should allow for a std::exception to be the start of the exception chain.
* throw by value / catch by const reference
As exception chaining seems to be rather obscure with C++, I'm
interested what other think about the solution (find code below).
[**** Usage would then roughly be like this ***]
using namespace std;
using namespace my_project_ns;
void f3e() {
throw std::runtime_error("Any std::exception will do ...");
void f2e() {
try {
catch(std_exc_catch_t e) {
throw chained_exception("My exc", &e);
1. Did you not want to catch by const reference?
2. Will not e be destructed when you throw an exception leaving with a
dangling pointer in the chained_exception instance?
Erik Wikstr?m
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