Re: Rusty's message to C++ programmers (C or C++)

peter koch <>
Tue, 6 May 2008 14:30:37 -0700 (PDT)
On 6 Maj, 23:11, wrote:

Ian Collins <> writes: wrote:

Ian Collins <> writes:

dizzy wrote:

cr88192 wrote:

one has to give up many of the features, and is still faced with man=

y of

the other technical issues, that IMO one is better off just using C.=


I completely agree. Once you start dropping features from C++ (templa=


exceptions, RAII, references, function and operator overloading) then=


get an incomplete language, some sort of "C with classes" (the horror=

!) so

you should better use C then.

Why would you have to drop templates, RAII, references, function and
operator overloading in driver code? Exceptions typically require s=


form of run time support, but none of the other language features you
mention do.

Some of that is addressed here:

For one compiler. I haven't experienced the problems they cite with
embedded compilers, or with my main hosted compiler.

Ergo the problems do not exist? That's wishful thinking.

The Microsoft compiler is notoriously bad wrt its exception handling,
which from logical point of view shouldnt need any OS support. The
problem is that MS thought it wise to include operating system
exceptions (such as divide by zero or dereferencing of an invalid
pointer) as a part of the exception handling machinery.
There's no way back from that decision: we will have to 64-bit windows
to repair this. This also means that C++ will be a very poor choice
for 32-bit kernel/OS development unless you cut at least exceptions
out of the game.


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