Re: operator new not forced to throw std::bad_alloc? ha scritto:
During some debug session of an MFC application (VS2005) I found out
that std::allocator<double>::allocate calls operator new which throws
I expected operator new to throw std::bad_alloc, so that exception
uncaught. This is odd.
void* __cdecl operator new(size_t nSize)
// That's platform specific code here:
if (_afxNewHandler == NULL || (*_afxNewHandler)(nSize) == 0)
Q: Did I misunderstand Stroustrup?
Q: Is an STL allowed to throw things which do not inherit from
It depends. The standard lists all cases where an exception must be
thrown and in that cases which exception is thrown. In all such cases,
the exception derives from std::exception. However, whenever the library
code calls user-provided code (and that includes replacement functions),
the library can let the original exception pass or can catch it and
rethrow it even if it doesn't derive from std::exception. Moreover, if I
recall correctly, some components of the iostreams may fail by throwing
an unspecified exception.
Q: No standard under my pillow: What's the wording about what operator
new may throw? [], about
void* operator new(std::size_t size) throw(std::bad_alloc);
states: "Required behavior: Return a non-null pointer to suitably
aligned storage (3.7.3), or else throw a bad_alloc exception. This
requirement is binding on a replacement version of this function."
So the library your are working with is definitely non-conforming.
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