Re: multiple catch types

"Alf P. Steinbach" <>
Wed, 23 Jul 2008 10:09:45 +0200
* Nick Keighley:


I have, unsuccessfully, checked the net and Stroustrup before I
posted here.

Is there a way to catch multiple exception types in a single catch
Something like:

catch (T1& T2& e)
       cerr << "exception! " << e.what();

Perhaps it's expecting a bit much of the compiler.
T1 and T2 do not have a common base class.

If you don't need any information you can do

   void foo()
       try { something(); }
       catch( ... ) { sayOops(); }

If you're using, say, two libraries each with non-standard exceptions, then in
the nearest enclosing code -- your library interface routines -- consider
exception tranlation, like

   void translateLibExceptions()
       try { throw; }
       catch( LibAException const& x )
           throw std::runtime_error( "Lib A exception" );
       catch( LibBException const& x )
           throw std::runtime_error( "Lib B exception" );

   void foo()
       try { something(); }
       catch( ... ) { translateLibExceptions(); }

I tried reading the syntax but got a bit lost. Is there an electronic
version of the C++ syntax available somewhere? (I found one
HTML version but it appeared to be only almost-C++).


Cheers, & hth.,

- Alf

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