Re: Exception in the constructor can't be caught?

James Kanze <>
Fri, 1 Aug 2008 02:07:41 -0700 (PDT)
On Jul 31, 8:33 pm, Fred <> wrote:

On Jul 31, 10:59 am, Christian Hackl <> wrote:



Interesting that the article contains these statements:

   Q: When does an object's lifetime end?

   A: When its destructor begins. That is, control reaches
      the beginning of the destructor body.

I disagree with the above.

Then you disagree with the C++ standard, because that's what the
standard says.

If the object no longer exists starting from the beginning of
the destructor body, then the destructor could not access any
of its internal fields. If that were the case, the existence
of the destructor becomes useless.

There are a number of things you can do with an object in the
process of being constructed or destructed. But the C++
standard is clear; the lifetime of the object has ceased.

=46rom the standard's point of view, this is mainly important for
stack unwinding during exception handling. The destructor is
called only on objects whose lifetime has not yet ended; once
you enter the destructor (and until you leave the constructor),
the destructor of that object will not be called. (But
destructors of fully constructed sub-objects will be.)

The object MUST exist until the final statement of the
destructor is executed.

The underlying raw memory must exsit, and the sub-objects must
exist, but the object itself, no.

James Kanze (GABI Software)
Conseils en informatique orient=E9e objet/
                   Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
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