Re: abstraction level of error handling
On Sep 6, 11:29 am, nguyenminhhai <> wrote:
Hi everyone, I'm reading "The C++ Programming Language" (Bjarne
Stroustrup, 3rd edition). At page 193, he said "Doing error handling
using the same level of abstraction as the code that caused the error
is hazardous; the error-handling code might repeat the same error that
triggered the error handling in the first place", and I don't
understand it clearly. So it would be very nice if someone here can
explain it more clearly. Thanks in advance.
Let's say you have client/server application between machines A and B.
Every now and then, there is some type of mysterious network error
between A and B that breaks connection between communicating processes
amond them. Exception is thrown and caught. You decided early on not
to scare user with any error messages on screen, so you send errors to
3rd server C and store them in database for review later, along with
all types of exceptions. Only, in this particular case, the connection
between C is also broken due to same problem that broke connection
between A and B. Exception gets thrown again.
Now what? :)
-Le Chaud Lapin-
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