Re: Being Confused by /EH Exception Handling Model

"Alex Blekhman" <>
Sun, 7 Dec 2008 16:25:43 +0200
<> wrote:

There was no typing error.The article indeed says "extern C
functions never throw a C++ exception".
I refer to this page:

I'm sorry for the confusion I caused. MSDN article indeed mentions
C++ exceptions. I was wrong.

But the outcome is not the same as it predicts,for f4 does throw
an exception caught by catch(...). How to figure it out?

/EHc switch does not control whether an exception is caught or
not. /EHc switch is a kid of optimization for the compiler. If
compiler can assume that extern "C" functions don't throw C++
exception, then it can eliminate some code, which is necessary
otherwise. For example, consider the following simple program:

// ex.cpp

#include <stdio.h>

struct X
    X() { puts("X::X"); }
    ~X() { puts("X::~X"); }

void f1()
    throw 1;

extern "C" void f2()

int main()
        X x1;
        puts("exception is caught");

    return 0;

// end of ex.cpp

Now, when this program compiled with /EHs (that is, the compiler
assumes that extern C functions do throw an exception), then the
output is:

    exception is caught

As you can see, the compiler is prepared to the possibility that
f2 can throw, so it ensures that X destructor is called before
catch clause is entered.

When the program is compiled with /EHsc switch (i.e., the compiler
assumes that extern C functions cannot throw), then the output is:

    exception is caught

Now the compiler assumed that since f2 won't throw anything it is
safe to optimize away a call to X destructor. Only one call to
X::~X is left by the compiler - at the end of try block. In the
runtime this point has not been reached because f2 broke its
promise and threw an exception.


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