Re: Characterize parameters by type

"Alf P. Steinbach" <>
Tue, 30 Jun 2009 12:37:18 CST
* Rune Allnor:

I have an application written in C++ that needs to be
interfaces with matlab. The interface routine needs to
take a number of untyped parameters from matlab
domain, and return a typed object to be passed to the
C++ business routine.

The parameters are:

par1 - vector of either 2 or 4 doubles
par2 - vector of 2 doubles

I would like to implement a test TestParameters that
returns an object which type depends on the combination
of the parameters:

if (par1.size() == 2)
     if (par2(1) > par2(2))
         // return object of class Case1Class
         // return object of class Case2Class
else if (par1.size() == 4 )
     if (par2(1) > par2(2))
         // return object of class Case3Class
         // return object of class Case4Class
     return 0;

I can't see how to wrap this into a function that can
be called from the interface routine.

Any suggestions?

As I understand it you have a routine foo() picking up the 'par1' and 'par2'
from some MatLab routine that it calls, and depending on the data you want it
packaged in different C++ types for the purpose of static type checking.

That precludes using 'boost::any', because it implies dynamic checking.

Or, it doesn't completely preclude using 'boost::any', but if you do use
'boost::any' then the caller needs to do the discrimination sort of manually.

What you need is a branch to code that expects only the relevant of the C++
types, and you can't do that automagically by a normal 'return'. If you don't
care about nano-sec performance the simplest solution is to use an exception.
Yes, I know very well that that is *heretical*, since most compilers optimize
for exceptions denoting failure and since C and C++ programmers are obsessively
concerned with nano-sec performance, but this is one of the exceptional cases.

That is, translating from run-time type knowledge to static type knowledge is
almost exactly what an exception /does/, just that it also does a bit more.

The hypothetical client code (callers) syntax

    accept_from( foo() )
    when( Case1Class const& r )
        // Deal with Case1Class
    when( Case2Class const& r )
        // Deal with Case2Class

is then expressed as actual C++ code

        assert( "Should never get here" && 0 );
    catch( Case1Class const& r )
        // Deal with Case1Class
    catch( Case2Class const& r )
        // Deal with Case2Class

or e.g., if you like to obfuscate the code and make the reader's eyes hurt,

    #define ACCEPT_FROM( e ) try{ e; assert( "Should never get here" && 0 ); }
    #define WHEN( decl ) catch( decl )
    #define PRODUCE( e ) throw e


    ACCEPT_FROM( foo() )
    WHEN( Case1Class const& r )
        // Deal with Case1Class
    WHEN( Case2Class const& r )
        // Deal with Case2Class

He he... :-)

Alternatively you can pass callback interface to foo(), an object with with four
methods, one for each type, and let your routine call the approriate one.

I think that's what I'd do, but choose your own poison, even 'boost::any'.

[BTW - what happened to comp.lang.c++? Nothing but spam there. ]

All the [clc++] spam originates with Google Groups. Since the spam dropped off
markedly when Google added captcha, one may tentatively conclude that (a) the
spammers have now broken the captcha thing, and/or (b) the spammers have
realized that the cost of hiring a human to log in is negligible, and/or (c)
it's actually Google doing the spamming, e.g. to promote Google Groups ;-). Now,
I hope Google doesn't sue me but instead perhaps does the sensible thing.

Cheers & hth.,

- Alf

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