Exception handling

Alan McKenney <alan_mckenney1@yahoo.com>
Tue, 22 Sep 2009 19:24:43 CST
On Sep 21, 7:07 pm, "Bo Persson" <b...@gmb.dk> wrote:

Alan McKenney wrote:

1. Expense. You can't use exceptions unless you can be
    quite sure that they will occur rarely. I work with
    real-time data, so if too many exceptions are thrown,
    we lose data.

Exceptions are supposed to be used for exceptional conditions. :-)

     Which means what, exactly?
     At least "they will occur rarely" _means_ something.
     The catch (if you'll excuse the expression) is determining
     at development time how rare any particular condition is.

    At that point, using error codes seems a lot more

And what language support do you have for making sure that all return
codes are properly checked and handled?

     Well, if someone adds an error parameter to a function
     signature, the compiler will tell you pretty quick if you
     don't add it to every call.

     At that point, it's a matter of "grep"ing for each call
     and then looking at the code. It's a pain, but at least
     the complexity is linear in the size of the code, instead
     of (potentially) factorial.

     If C++ required exception specifications and required that
     each function included in its exception spec. every
     uncaught exception specified by every function it calls,
     it could be checked at compile time. I don't know if this
     would be practical, though.

An uncaught exception will surely make a lot of noice during testing.

     Assuming that, during testing, you manage to find that
     execution path that hits the "throw" without passing a "catch".

     If it first happens when you're in Production, you will
     suddenly find yourself having to explain to top execs
     why a crash was better in this case than simply ignoring the

- - -

Based on what I've read so far in the C++ literature,
I'd say that the idea of exception safety is a fairly
mature concept, but that our understanding of when to use
exceptions is still fairly immature.

      [ See http://www.gotw.ca/resources/clcm.htm for info about ]
      [ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]

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