Re: Question on goto with try/catch

"Balog Pal" <>
Fri, 20 Nov 2009 15:06:39 CST
"TVisitor" <>

void MyClass::MyFunction()
      // code here
      if(something bad happened)
         goto label;
      // exception handling here.

    // Run cleanup code - deallocate memory, etc.

DOH. You want to combine the disadvantages dropping the sunny side?

Personally, I would rather throw an exception instead of the goto, let
the catch do it's thing, and then the regular cleanup code will

Move cleanup to where it belongs: to destructors of proper handler objects.
Then no more goto, and you can return or throw at any place you like -- and
possibly can scrap the try/catch block too. If not this one, then 100 of
its cousins.

However, from a "does it work?" standpoint, what are the implications
of using a goto to jump out of a try?

TMK you can jump out of blocks at will. The target location may be a
problem: you can't jump over object initializations unless they are fully
scoped, but in that case the code will not compile. If compiles it shall
work as advertised. Still you shoould leave goto to C code where you
don't have better tools.

Does it leave some uncleaned up
stuff behind (i.e. on the stack), or does it work properly, however
inelegant it looks?

Elegance is not the problem -- that lies in handicraft of cleanup, that WILL
be messed up for sure, if not today then tomorrow.

Please realize I'm don't wish to start an
unstructured looking code holy war, I'm questioning operation so I can
decide whether or not I need to rewrite this *now* or put it on a to-
do list for a later date.

Ah, looking to incvest in technical debt on steep return rates, do ya?

Experience shows you start adding the mess like that, you create too much
work so 'later' will be even later and slipping no never. While you have
snowball-then-avalanche like supply of incoming problems.

 I'm not a big fan of rewriting code that
works - however inelegant - if it's been around and doing it's job.

Ah, if it works do not touch it. But your asking the question implies you
NEED to touch it, so it doesn't do what is intended. Better put delusion
aside and face the ugly truth.

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