Re: Exception Specification Compromise
In article <4b748f32$0$283$>,
DeMarcus <> wrote:
Today this
no-throw issue is a problem for at least three reasons.
* It's stressful to do a thorough no-throw investigation since the
compiler won't help you.
* It's way too easy to accidentally throw from a no-throw function
without any warning from the compiler.
* Since the compiler doesn't warn you, design flaws can easy slip
through and survive until a refactoring would cost as much as rewriting
the whole application.
You say that, but you don't mention any projects where these problems
indeed show up. What open source projects, for instance, suffer from
these issues?
If these are real, practical problems, I'd like to see the code to try
and understand why people are having these issues, because I just don't
see them. Your experience doesn't seem to match mine.
Again, I'm not looking for contrived, theoretical problems, but issues
people are having today in real code.
Nevin ":-)" Liber <> 773 961-1620
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