Re: func return question

Pete Becker <>
Sun, 4 Jul 2010 11:22:29 -0400
On 2010-07-04 06:43:03 -0400, James Kanze said:

On Jun 30, 9:17 pm, Pete Becker <> wrote:

On 2010-06-30 15:57:44 -0400, mzdude said:

On Jun 30, 10:50 am, Pete Becker <> wrote:

Exception specifications are deprecated in C++0x. That
doesn't mean that their meaning has changed, nor that you
shouldn't use them. It's a warning that in some future
standard they might be removed.

Which to most people means don't use them, since they could
go away at any time.

Well, yes, if "any time" means "maybe after publication of a
later standard". Certainly not for at least five years.

More than that, actually. I don't think that the committee can
begin considering a new version of the standard before five
years after the previous version has been published. Which
hasn't happened yet.

No, the prohibition is on formal action. That doesn't mean that the
committee has to twiddle its thumbs for five years. C++2003 came out
five years after C++1998.

Roundhouse Consulting, Ltd. ( Author of "The
Standard C++ Library Extensions: a Tutorial and Reference

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