Re: need argument for try catch blocks
Christopher <> writes:
I've already discovered a plethora of bugs in that exceptions are
getting thrown from native code, the windows API, and our own code and
never handled.
Not ?handling? an exception does not have to be a bug.
However, in my code reviews, I've got items about "unecessary try
catch blocks." I really don't know why it is even worthy of putting in
a code review. Maybe he is thinking efficiency or readability?
Who? One uses the personal pronoun ?he? after a person has
been introduced.
So, if you already know ?him?, why can't you ask him?
My point of view is that when your dealing with a huge project with
poor documentation, it is better to always surround anything that
throws with a try catch block, even if it seems unecessary.
This is exacly what exceptions were invented to prevent.
I can't count the number of hours I've spend debugging code
that was bugged because of no error checking.
Exceptions already alter the control flow, so that an
explicit ?error check? often is not necessary.
Is this application code or library code?
What is your idea of what to do in the catch block?
Or am I just wrong?
I suggest that you read the chapters on exceptions in some
text books.