Re: Internal move vs. copy in std::vector (Dave Abrahams) wrote (abridged):
let's forget for a second what VC11 beta actually is and think
about what we'd want from a C++11 compiler: we'd like it to always
use move _but_ switch back to copy only those elements(!) where
move construct would _actually_ throw (assuming CopyInsertable
T). and we'd want it to do this magically not based on help from
Ha. That would be great. Impossible, but great. And no, I don't
plan to work out a formal proof that it's impossible.
Figuring out whether a move constructor can throw is equivalent to
solving the Halting Problem. To see this, replace the "throw" clause
with a "halt" instruction. For a proof that the Halting Problem
cannot be solved in the general case, see Turing. It's is one of the
oldest bits of computer science.
(Apologies if I'm taking a rhetorical point too literally. Today's
youngsters don't always know this stuff.)
-- Dave Harris, Nottingham, UK.
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