Re: Templates vs factories
On 4 May?s, 01:40, Imre <> wrote:
I have some problems with using a kind of the Factory pattern in a
context of class templates.
I came up something different than you asked.
I centralized all creation job into one funtion rather dispatching
over registered functions.
Factory class in this case create a function for all T<t>s. Its basic
constraints are T<t> should be existing and its default constructor
should be available to call.
I hope it gives you some different point of angle.
namespace MyFactory
template<typename T>
class A{};
template<typename T>
class B{};
template <template <class T2> class T1, class T2>
struct Factory
typedef T1<T2> MyFactoryTemplate;
static MyFactoryTemplate Create()
return MyFactoryTemplate();
void f()
A<int> aint = Factory<A,int>::Create();
A<double> adouble = Factory<A,double>::Create();
B<int> bint = Factory<B,int>::Create();
B<double> bdouble = Factory<B,double>::Create();
Cumhur Guzel
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