Problem implementing an object factory

Stephen Torri <>
Sat, 08 Sep 2007 00:49:04 GMT
Here is my attempt at implementing a object factory. The purpose of this
is to replace a large switch statement in a factory class with the
functors. I get an error at line 88, marked, "expected primary-expression
before ')' token". I am using Modern C++ Design chapter 8 as a guide.



#include <map>
#include <iostream>

namespace tool
  namespace component
    class Component;

  namespace infrastructure

    class Component_Factory
      typedef component::Component* (*CreateComponentCallback)();
      bool RegisterComponent ( int component_id,
                   CreateComponentCallback call_func )
    return m_callbacks.insert ( CallbackMap::value_type ( component_id,
    call_func ) ).second;
      bool UnregisterComponent ( int component_id ) {
    return m_callbacks.erase ( component_id ) == 1;

      component::Component* CreateComponent ( int component_id ) {
    CallbackMap::const_iterator pos = m_callbacks.find ( component_id );

    if ( pos == m_callbacks.end() )
        std::cerr << "Unknown Component ID" << std::endl; abort();

    return (pos->second)();
      typedef std::map<int, CreateComponentCallback> CallbackMap;
      CallbackMap m_callbacks;


  namespace component
    class Component

    class Apple : public Component

      static const int ID = 1;

      Component* operator()()
    return new Apple;

    class Blueberry : public Component

      static const int ID = 5;

      Component* operator()()
    return new Blueberry;

int main (int, char**)
  tool::infrastructure::Component_Factory fact_ref;

  /* LINE 88 */
  fact_ref.RegisterComponent ( tool::component::Apple::ID,
  tool::component::Apple );

  fact_ref.UnregisterComponent ( tool::component::Apple::ID );

  return 0;

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