Re: FactoryMethod problem - header inclusion horror - expert

=?utf-8?B?RGFuaWVsIEtyw7xnbGVy?= <>
Mon, 15 Oct 2007 18:03:38 CST
On 15 Okt., 22:08, Tomasz Kalkosi??ski <> wrote:

For a few days I have very strange problem in my C++ code. It's not
trivial, I use forward declarations, I use header inclusion guards but
it still won't work. I also showed this code to two fellow C++
programmers and we're still at dead end. Obviously there's something
wrong or I miss something.

Actually the problem is quite simple - Your header mother.h
and stuffbase.h do already have cyclic dependency - which is
easily to resolve:

#ifndef __stuffbase__h_
#define __stuffbase__h_

!! Remove this include (you don't need it here, because the
following forward declaration of class Mother is sufficient
for this header):

#include "mother.h"

The rest of stuffbase.h is fine so far.

//--- File StuffBase.cpp ---

#include "stuffbase.h"

OK, stuffbase.h is sufficient, no definition of Mother
required so far. Here is everything fine.

//--- File StuffDerived.h ---

#include "stuffbase.h"

OK, everything fine here. Mother is *declared* in
stuffbase.h, which is included above, declaration
is sufficient here. No problem here.

//--- File StuffDerived.cpp ---

#include "stuffderived.h"

Everything fine here, we need no more than this.

//--- File Mother.h ---

#include "stuffbase.h"

You don't need this dependency - just remove that include,
because *this* mother does not need to know her children ;-)
(Your following declaration of StuffBase is sufficient for
this header)

#include "stufffactory.h"

^ I see no reason to include this guy here - just remove it.

Rest of this header is OK.

//--- File Mother.cpp ---

#include "mother.h"

Here you should add:

 #include "stufffactory.h"

because you use contents of this header here.

*Iff* you need to delete the StuffBase* member
base in this file (which you don't show us, but what
is the most reasonable assumption), you also need
this guy, which adds the StuffBase definition:

  #include "stuffbase.h"

Rest of cpp is fine.

//--- File StuffFactory.h ---

#include "stuffbase.h"
#include "stuffderived.h"

^^ Both includes are not needed, just add a single
declaration for StuffBase and Mother her:

class StuffBase;
class Mother;

The rest of the header is fine so far.

//--- File StuffFactory.cpp ---

#include "stufffactory.h"

Of-course you need to add all headers which bring
the *definition* of the types into scope, which are
created in this file:

#include "stuffderived.h" // Already includes StuffBase

Rest of cpp is fine.

//--- File FactoryMethodProblem.cpp ---
#include "stdafx.h"

I ignore this stdafx stuff - it is not relevant here.

#include "mother.h"
#include "stufffactory.h"

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

I read this as:

 int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    Mother* mother = new Mother ();
    mother->CreateObject (0);
    mother->base = StuffFactory::CreateObject (0, 0);
        return 0;

This should now work, because you provided the
necessary definitions for (a) Mother and (b) StuffFactory.

HTH & Greetings from Bremen,

Daniel Kr??gler

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