C++, Class Object Factory, Template and some problem

neoairus <francesco.amenta@gmail.com>
Fri, 16 Nov 2007 09:16:45 -0800 (PST)
I'm developing a pseudo-library for neural network. To simplify
librarary using i wont to implement a sistem to instantiate different
implementation of interface(Layer.h Neuron.h) passing a string to a
function of a =F9registry vlass that hold all sub-classes...

/* ------Neuron.h--------*/
#include <math.h>
namespace Mnetlib
class Neuron
                virtual ~Neuron(){};
                virtual double Run(double arg)=0;
                virtual double RunBack(double o,double e)=0;
                double outvalue;
                int mode;
                double input;


/* ------Layer.h--------*/
#include <vector>
#include "Neuron.h"
#include "Exception.h"

namespace Mnetlib

        class Layer

                 * Costruttore di base.
                 * @param n Numero di neuroni presenti nel layer.
                Layer(int n);

                virtual ~Layer()=0;

                virtual void backprop(){throw new

                std::vector<Neuron*> vect;
                int num;


/* ------Registry.h--------*/
#include "NeuronLib.h"
#include "LayerLib.h"
#include "Factory.h"
#include <map>
namespace Mnetlib

        class Registry
                Neuron * getNewNeuron(const std::string& name);
                void registerNeuronFactory( NeuronClassFactory*
                void registerLayerFactory( LayerClassFactory* factory)
                Layer* getLayer (const std::string& lName, const
std::string& nName,
int n);
                        std::map<std::string, LayerClassFactory*>
                        LayerFactoryWrapper<OffLineLayer> offFactory;
                        LayerFactoryWrapper<OnLineLayer> onFactory;


/* ------Factory.h--------*/
#include "Neuron.h"
#include "Layer.h"
namespace Mnetlib

        class NeuronClassFactory
                virtual ~NeuronClassFactory(){};
                virtual Neuron* create()=0;
                virtual std::string name()=0;


        template < class T >
        class NeuronFactoryWrapper : public NeuronClassFactory
        virtual ~NeuronFactoryWrapper(){};
        virtual Neuron* create(){ return T::create();}
        virtual std::string name(){ return T::name();}

        class LayerClassFactory
                virtual ~LayerClassFactory(){};
                virtual Layer* create()=0;
                virtual std::string name()=0;


        template < class T >
        class LayerFactoryWrapper : public LayerClassFactory
        virtual ~LayerFactoryWrapper(){};
        virtual Layer* create(){ return T::create();}
        virtual std::string name(){ return T::name();}
        void build();


/* ------NeuronLib.h--------*/

#include "Neuron.h"

#include <string>
namespace Mnetlib
class LinearNeuron: public Neuron
        double Run(double arg);
        double RunBack(double o,double e);
        static LinearNeuron* create(){ return new LinearNeuron();};
        static std::string name(){ return "linear";} ;


class SigmoidNeuron: public Neuron
        double Run(double arg);
        double RunBack(double o,double e);
        static SigmoidNeuron* create(){ return new SigmoidNeuron();};
        static std::string name(){ return "sigmoid";} ;


/* ------LayerLib.h--------*/

#include <string>
#include "Layer.h"

namespace Mnetlib

        class OnLineLayer : public Layer
                OnLineLayer(int n);
                static OnLineLayer* create(int n){ return new
                static std::string name(){ return "online";} ;
                void backprop();

        class OffLineLayer : public Layer
                static OffLineLayer* create(){ return new
                static std::string name(){ return "offline";} ;
                void backprop();


This code only for instantiate an object via some line

Registry reg;
Layer* l= reg.getLayer ("offline", "linear", n);

But at this time i have proble with linking...and some other
inconveninet like ciclic include...
Anyone have a good idea to solve this question??

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