Re: virtual operator +

Kai-Uwe Bux <>
Thu, 13 Sep 2007 00:11:48 -0700
Hunk wrote:


I ws wondering if there is a way to implement operator+ in case of
virtual classes.
Here's the problem. I have to have a base string class from which two
classes (normal char string and a hash string class ) are derived. The
two derived classes are template classes specifying the sizes. The
base class is a non-template class so that it can be used generically
in the interface classes. the design would look like

class Base_string {

class Char_string : Base_string {

class Hash_string: Base_string{
So that in the interface class of the application he can use just the
generic Base_string to access the functions and doesnt have to know
whether its a Char or hash string
The issue is in implementing the operator+ . Since all the methods are
virtual in the base class and it should call the desired methods
polymorphically, operator+ is a challenge as it returns a Base_string
So if I have something like
Char_string<24> char_string1("Hello");
Char_string<24> char_string2("world");
Char_string<24> char_result;
Base_string* base_a = &char_string1;
Base_string* base_b = &char_string2;
Base_string* base_r = &char_result;

i wouldnt be able to do
*base_r = *base_a + *base_b; as the operator+ would return a
Any soultions to the above issue is most welcome

If it's just two derived classes, you might get away with something like
#include <iostream>
#include <tr1/memory>
#include <cassert>

class Base {

  Base ( void ) {}

  void some_method ( void ) const = 0;


class DerivedA : public Base {
  DerivedA ( void )
    : Base()

  void some_method ( void ) const {
    std::cout << "DerivedA\n";


class DerivedB : public Base {
  DerivedB ( void )
    : Base ()

  void some_method ( void ) const {
    std::cout << "DerivedB\n";


class Sum {

  enum type { derived_a, derived_b };
  typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<Base> pointer;
  pointer the_ptr;
  type the_type;

  Sum ( Base const & lhs, Base const & rhs )
    : the_ptr ()
    if ( ( dynamic_cast<DerivedA const *>( &lhs ) != 0 )
         ( dynamic_cast<DerivedA const *>( &rhs ) != 0 ) ) {
      the_ptr = pointer( new DerivedA () );
      the_type = derived_a;
    if ( ( dynamic_cast<DerivedB const *>( &lhs ) != 0 )
         ( dynamic_cast<DerivedB const *>( &rhs ) != 0 ) ) {
      the_ptr = pointer( new DerivedB () );
      the_type = derived_b;
    assert( the_ptr != 0 );

  operator Base & ( void ) {
    return ( *the_ptr );

  operator Base const & ( void ) const {
    return ( *the_ptr );

  operator DerivedA & ( void ) {
    assert( the_type == derived_a );
    return ( static_cast<DerivedA &>( *the_ptr ) );
  operator DerivedA const & ( void ) const {
    assert( the_type == derived_a );
    return ( static_cast<DerivedA const &>( *the_ptr ) );
  operator DerivedB & ( void ) {
    assert( the_type == derived_b );
    return ( static_cast<DerivedB &>( *the_ptr ) );
  operator DerivedB const & ( void ) const {
    assert( the_type == derived_b );
    return ( static_cast<DerivedB const &>( *the_ptr ) );
  void some_method ( void ) const {


Sum operator+ ( Base const & lhs, Base const & rhs ) {
  return ( Sum( lhs, rhs ) );

void test ( Base & b ) {

int main ( void ) {
  DerivedA a1;
  DerivedA a2;
  ( a1 + a2 ).some_method();
  DerivedA a;
  a = a1 + a2;
  DerivedB b1;
  DerivedB b2;
  test( b1 + b2 );
  DerivedB b ( b1 + b2 );
The user-defined converions can lead to ambiguities, and there are probably
some other problems.

Question: what is the purpose of a common base class for these two string
types? Are users really supposed to use Base_string* polymorphically? If
you don't really need runtime polymorphism, the string classes could be
independent and common functionality can be supplied by templates and
overloaded functions.


Kai-Uwe Bux

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