Re: Slow manual 'garbage collection' in C++ ??

Mirco Wahab <>
Tue, 17 Jun 2008 21:25:14 +0200
<g3932p$2pc6$> wrote:

In a scientific computation I need to store a lot of Point objects
(which have an array of doubles and 2 ints as fields).
To quickly search among all these points I have designed a Hashtable
to store them; a bucket/vector of buckets/vectors.
The hashtable is filled with Points objects in a while loop.
My C++ programm is very fast without emptying the hashtable. But then
I have a huge memory leak; and my swapfile grows enormouly.
With emptying the hashtable my C++ programm becomes dramatically
slow.....even slower than my Java programm.
So the question is: What to do now ?? It cannot be the case that
preventing a memory leak, slows down the computations ??

You could redesign the stuff for speed by using
e.g. continous vectors - and hash separate
integer indexes which point into these:


vector<int>indexarray; // <= 0 .. NUMPOINTS-1

struct coordinates {
  vector<double>x; // <= 0 .. NUMPOINTS-1
  vector<double>y; //
  vector<double>z; //

or use the more traditional approach
with the same index array:

vector<int>indexarray; // <= 0 .. NUMPOINTS-1

struct coordinates { double x,y,z; int data1,data2; };
vector<coordinates>v; // <= 0 .. NUMPOINTS-1

Why did you design a hash algorithm instead
using a std::map<whatever, whatelse> (whats wrong with it?).
What exactly is hashed, what has to be looked up fast?



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