Re: Perl style hash

Francesco <>
Thu, 10 Sep 2009 02:57:59 -0700 (PDT)
On 10 Set, 10:15, Stuart Redmann <> wrote:

On 10 Sep., 07:45, none <n...@none.none> wrote:

Sam wrote:

So? This calls for an overloaded Anything::operator=():

class Anything {

   // ..

   Anything &operator=(double);
   Anything &operator=(int);
   Anything &operator=(std::string);


And even if you could, you still wouldn't have the perl-style
behavior that I described. If you tried:

   x["root"]["branch"]["leaf"] = 5;

the compiler would not know how to resolve the second (and third) se=


of braces.

Of course it would. It's merely a matter of implementing operator[]()

I like the simplicity of this approach. The way I'm doing it now, I'=


have to add an iterator class to my wrapper, etc, which stinks. Your=


I'd just be using std::map directly.

But I still don't quite see how the second and third sets of [] would w=


The first one, x["root"], is going to return an Antyhing&. So, class
Anything would have to also have a [] operator. How would the return=


Anything object access "x", which would be of type std::map?- Zitierten=

 Text ausblenden -

Try this:

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

#include <boost\any.hpp>

class CHashMapNode
  typedef std::map<std::string, CHashMapNode*> TNodeType;
  TNodeType m_Node;

  boost::any m_Value;

  CHashMapNode& operator[] (const char* KeyName)
    // Look up the key in our map. If it doesn't exist, create one.
    CHashMapNode*& NewNode = m_Node[std::string (KeyName)];
    if (!NewNode)
      NewNode = new CHashMapNode;
    return *NewNode;

  CHashMapNode& operator= (const boost::any& p_NewValue)
    m_Value = p_NewValue;
    return *this;

  boost::any GetValue () const
    return m_Value;


int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  CHashMapNode HashMap;
  HashMap["Root"]["Subnode"] = 3;
  std::cout << boost::any_cast<int>
               (HashMap["Root"]["Subnode"].GetValue ());

  HashMap["Root"]["Subnode"] = std::string ("Hello World");
  std::cout << boost::any_cast<std::string>
               (HashMap["Root"]["Subnode"].GetValue ());
  return 0;



Hi Stuart, hi everybody.

After having read the thread OP, I've started feeling dumb. I didn't
know how to implement a tree-like map (but now I see your example
above, Stuart) and I didn't know how to implement a "any_value"

The first seemed impossible and I skipped it. I've started having a
try at the second, and here is my attempt:

#include <iostream>
#include <map>

using namespace std;

class base {
    virtual string ti_name() const = 0;
    virtual string Tti_name() const = 0;
    virtual const void* get_data() const = 0;
    virtual ~base() {}

template<class T> class variant : public base {
    T data;
    variant(const T& t) : data(t) {}
    const void* get_data() const {
      return &data;
    string ti_name() const {
      static const type_info& ti = typeid(this);
    string Tti_name() const {
      static const type_info& ti = typeid(T);

class variantmap {
    map<string, base*> datamap;
    class error {
        error(const string& s = ""): msg(s) {}
        const string& what() {
          return msg;
        string msg;
    ~variantmap() {
      typedef map<string, base*>::iterator map_iter;
      for (map_iter iter = datamap.begin(), end = datamap.end();
           iter != end;
           ++iter) {
        delete iter->second;
    template<class T> void write(const string& id, const T& t) {
      if (datamap.find(id) != datamap.end()) {
        delete datamap[id];
      datamap[id] = new variant<T>(t);
    template<class T> void read_in(const string& id, T* t) throw
(error) {
      if (datamap.find(id) != datamap.end()) {
        static const string& asked = typeid(T).name();
        const string& saved = datamap[id]->Tti_name();
        if (asked == saved) {
          *t = *(static_cast<const T*>(datamap[id]->get_data()));
        } else {
          throw error("Mismatch error:\n"
                      " map key == " + id + "\n" +
                      " value id == " + saved + "\n" +
                      " asked id == " + asked + "\n");
      } else {
        throw error("Key error\n [" + id + "] not found\n");

int main()
  variantmap vmap;
  vmap.write("integer", 42);

  try {
    string s;
    vmap.read_in("integer", &s);
    cout << "s == " << s << endl;
  } catch (variantmap::error e) {
    cout << e.what();

  try {
    string s;
    vmap.read_in("string", &s);
    cout << "s == " << s << endl;
  } catch (variantmap::error e) {
    cout << e.what();

  try {
    int i;
    vmap.read_in("integer", &i);
    cout << "i == " << i << endl;
  } catch (variantmap::error e) {
    cout << e.what();

  return 0;

I'll fiddle with it merging your tree-like map to my variant template,

@everybody: any suggestion, correction of bad approach, bug-fix or
comment about my code will be extremely welcome.


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