Re: Is this a Bug of VS 2005?
"Lighter" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Is this a Bug of VS 2005?
We know size_t is not a built-in data type in C++, rather, it is just a
typedef declaration.
However, I found the following code could be normally compiled with VS
// Note that I don't include any header file in this source file
int main()
size_t n = 8;
return n;
Why? Is this really a bug of VS 2005?
I don't think this is an extension for C++ made by VS 2005. The reason
for this is that VS 2005 can still correctly compile the code
above-mentioned even if I set the compiler
option /Za.
Dev C++ cannot normally compile the code provided-above.
I am sure C++ standard doesn't make a rule that size_t should be one of
the default data types without any forwarding declaration.
Who know further information about this?
Interesting. Section 3.7.3/2 seems to say that the code is ill-formed.
However, I don't know how an implementation is required to deal with
ill-formed code. Is there a diagnostic required?
Matthias Hofmann
Anvil-Soft, CEO - The Creators of Toilet Tycoon - Die Macher des Klomanagers
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