Re: Capture USB Webcam Image

"=?iso-8859-1?q?Erik_Wikstr=F6m?=" <>
12 Mar 2007 05:49:26 -0700
On 12 Mar, 13:33, "" <>

On 12 mar, 07:24, Kai-Uwe Bux <> wrote:

Speed wrote:


Could you please tell me how to capture an image from my USB webcam
using C/C++. I am using the Visual Studio .NET 2005 Environment.

The standard library does not provide any means of doing that. Thus, you
will want to use a third-party library. There is a C++ library FAQ
somewhere out there on the internet (it used to get posted here regular=


but I do not recall seeing it recently).

Details of third-party libraries are off-topic in this group. Your best=


would be a news group of forum dedicated to the particular target platf=


of your application.


Kai-Uwe Bux

I know the norms' group but I don't agree. Why doesn't help him?
If you don't like off-topics threads, just don't read them. I think we
can learn from them too. Why no?

He is helping him, and others too. He helps the OP by telling him that
this is off topic in this group, so the next time the OP has a
question he/she can more easily decide if this group is appropriate or
not. Further he pointed the op to the library FAQ, which might help
the OP to find information that he/she needs. And third, he tells the
OP that it would be better to ask the question in a group specific for
his platform where more people with the knowledge he needs might be

Further it helps others by keeping this group clean so that when you
or someone else have a C++ language question you can post it here
knowing that there are people reading and answering questions. If the
noise-ration is to high those experts who we depend on will go some
other place and it will be more difficult to get answers to our

And, by posting the question in the correct group the chance that
someone with the same problem will find an answered question by
searching increases.

Erik Wikstr=F6m

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