Re: C++ in Linux or Windows
On Apr 18, 3:40 pm, Adrian <> wrote:
On Apr 17, 8:17 am, "Johs" <> wrote:
Are there any difference between writting C++ in linux or Windows?
I was told that it was only a matter of available IDE's (eclipse for bo=
platforms, but only Visual Studio for Windows) but are there other
techincal/syntatical/standard library function differences?
Even if you stick to standard C++ paths to any file access
functions are system dependent. The one thing I would watch out for is
the \ and / in file paths and drive letters.
Even whether there are paths is system dependent, but on all the
systems I've seen which supported nested directories, '/' has
worked as a path separator. I generally use it for internal
paths, map to a preferred path separator (either '/' or '\\' for
pathnames which will be passed to other programs or displayed to
the user), and accept anything in a list of separators (either
"/" or "/\\") on input.
James Kanze (GABI Software)
Conseils en informatique orient=E9e objet/
Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
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