Re: strange problem of sorting

 Greg Herlihy <>
Sat, 07 Jul 2007 12:56:00 -0700
On Jul 6, 7:22 am, abracadabra <> wrote:

I am reading an old book - Programming Pearls 2nd edition recently. It
says, "Even though the general C++ program uses 50 times the memory
and CPU time of the specialized C program, it requires just half the
code and is much easier to extend to other problems." in a sorting
problem of the very first chapter.

I modified the codes in the answer part, ran it and found it is almost
the contrary case. The qsortints.c is the C code that uses the qsort
function defined in stdlib.h. The sortints.cpp uses STL sort. The
bitsort.c uses the method of bitmap in the book. To my surprise, the
bitmap method is slowest! The qsort method slower, the sort fastest.
It is totally different from what is said in the book!

I repeated the experiment using Visual Studio 2005 on a Windows XP
machine, and mingw32(gcc 4.2.0), the result is the same:

Here goes the code.

/* sortints.cpp -- Sort input set of integers using STL set */
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;


int a[iMax];

int main()
        int i, p, t;
        clock_t t_begin, t_end;
        srand((unsigned) time(NULL));

        for (i = 0; i < iSize+2000; i++)
                a[i] = i;

        t_begin = clock();
        for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
                p = randint(i, iSize-1);
                t = a[p]; a[p] = a[i]; a[i] = t;
    sort(a, a+iSize-1);
        t_end = clock();


/* End of sortints.cpp */

/* bitsort.c Sort input set of integers using bitmap */


int main()
        int i;
        clock_t t_begin, t_end;


        for (i = 0; i < N; i++)

        t_begin = clock();
        for (i = 0; i< N-2000; i++)
                set(randint(i, N-1));
        t_end = clock();
        printf("%f\n", (t_end - t_begin)/1.0/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

        /*for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
                if (test(i))
                        printf("%d\n", i);*/

        return 0;}

/* Output is 1.45000 on SuSE */
/* End of bitsort.c */

Any suggestions?

These programs are including the time taken to generate and fill in
the array of ints - and not just the actual time spent to sort the
array; whereas a more accurate measurement of sorting performance
would exclude this kind of preparation time. Note that in the case of
the bit sort, it will be necessary to allocate an array for the
generated ints, since the current version both generates the int
values and "sorts" them at the same time.

I found that once the preparation time was excluded from the sorting
timings, that the bit sort program was about twice as fast as the STL
program in sorting the int values. Note that this outcome is not at
all surprising - since the bit sort is actually just flipping bits in
a bit vector and is not "sorting" the int values - at least not in the
way that most people usually think of sorting..


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